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Education On the Theme of July 1

Education On the Theme of July 1

Education On the Theme of July 1

All party members of the Party branch of Anhui Luwo Recycling Energy Technology Co., Ltd. went to the former site of the Shucheng Special Branch of the Communist Party of China to carry out education on the theme of July 1

In order to further carry forward the revolutionary tradition, strengthen patriotic education, celebrate the 102nd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China with a better attitude, and guide all party members of the company to work together to better complete various tasks, on the afternoon of June 30, 2023, All party members of the Party Branch of Anhui Luwo Recycling Energy Technology Co., Ltd. went to the former site of the Shucheng Special Branch Office of the Communist Party of China in Songxu Village, Berlin Township, to carry out the theme activity of “Welcome to July 1st, keep the original heart, and take the mission based on the post”.

First of all, all the party members watched the documentary “Spark” together, relived the war years, once again felt the spirit of the revolutionary predecessors’ determination to struggle, and learned about the red history of Shucheng County.

Then we followed the guide’s pace and went to the memorial hall together, reviewed the line and program of the Communist Party of China during the Agrarian Revolution, and learned about the establishment of the Shucheng Special Branch of the Communist Party of China. At that time, under the leadership of Comrade Song Yusi, the special branch and the special zone actively organized party members and peasant associations to carry out the land revolution, anti-donation and tax resistance, student movement and labor movement in the city, and got in touch with the Lu’an party organization to launch Zhang Muqiao Waiting for the peasant uprising, which effectively cooperated with the Sujiabu Battle launched by the Red Fourth Front Army, had an important and far-reaching impact and significance on the further development of the agrarian revolutionary struggle in Shucheng County.

Finally, under the party banner in the square of the memorial hall, all party members faced the bright red party flag, raised their right hands, and revisited the oath of joining the party. After the event, the party members expressed that to inherit the red gene well, we should take this red education as an opportunity, not forget the original intention, keep the mission in mind, further improve the awareness of party spirit, inherit and carry forward the fine revolutionary tradition, and pass on the loyalty and love to the party Transformed into a powerful driving force to forge ahead and start a business.

In the past 102 years, a sickle has harvested the prosperity of the motherland and the people are happy and healthy, and a hammer has built steel and national defense and created a peaceful and prosperous world. The party’s birthday is coming soon, let us send the greatest blessings to the Chinese Communist Party.

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